1 aizvietošanas variants atrasts

Esošais Sūknis - Drenāža un kanalizācija

Ražotājs Vecais Wilo
Produkta nosaukums TS 40/14 A 1~
Artikula Nr. 2063929
Elektropieslēgums 1x230 V
Caurules pieslēgums Rp 40
Nominālā jauda P2 0,75 kW

Nomaiņas sūknis Apmaiņats komplekts

Produkta nosaukums Padus MINI3-M04.12/M06-523/A
Artikula Nr. 3118612
Elektropieslēgums 1x230 V
Caurules pieslēgums Rp 40/50 / 50 mm
Nominālā strāva 0,93 A
Nominālā jauda P2 0,6 kW
Šķidruma temperatūras diapazons +3 - +40 °C
Brīvā caurplūde 10


Iespējamas uzstādīšanas izmaiņas, nomaiņas sūknim ir atbilstošs savienojuma diametrs.

Produkta informācija
Padus MINI3-M04.12/M06-523/A

Padus MINI3-M04.12/M06-523/A
Artikula Nr. : 3118612

Pielāgojama privātmāju un zemesgabalu drenāža.
Kompaktais iegremdējamais sūknis Wilo-Padus MINI3 ir ideāli piemērots uzstādīšanai iegremdējot un izmantošanai vienģimeņu un divģimeņu privātmāju un zemesgabalu drenāžai. Tas uzticami transportē kanalizācijas ūdeni, kā arī notekūdeņus bez fekālijām atbilstoši DIN EN 12050-2 un to var izmantot stacionāri sūkņu akās vai mobili, pārvietojot pēc vajadzības. Optimizēta hidraulikas sistēma, kas veidota no kombinētiem materiāliem, nodrošina izmantošanu dažādos šķidrumos. Izvēlei pieejami divi hidraulikas varianti: daudzkanālu variants ar augstu lietderības koeficientu un Vortex variants ar lielu brīvo caurgaitu.

Pateicoties kompaktajai konstrukcijai, montāža ir ļoti vienkārša, un tā iespējama arī drenāžas bedrēs. Konstrukcija nodrošina lielākus apkopes intervālus. Turklāt, pateicoties tiešai piekļuvei svarīgākajām detaļām, apkopes darbus var veikt ļoti ērti.
Artikula Nr.: 2525301
Stop Valve:
  • Intended for pumps in the Rexa series.
  • Connection G 40.
Wilo-Control MS-Lift 1x4
Artikula Nr.: 2539741

Microprocessor-controlled switchgear for level-dependent control of a submersible pump with float switch for level measurement. The parametrization is carried out using dip switches and potentiometers.
Wilo-Control MS-Lift 2x4
Artikula Nr.: 2539745

Microprocessor-controlled switchgear for level-dependent control of a submersible pump with float switch for level measurement. The parametrization is carried out using dip switches and potentiometers.
Wilo-Control EC-Lift 1x12
Artikula Nr.: 2543210

Microcontroller-controlled switchgear for level-dependent control of a submersible pump with analogue or digital signal transmitters. Individual parameters are entered via symbol-based menu navigation and an operating button.
Wilo-Control EC-Lift 2x12
Artikula Nr.: 2543220

Microcontroller-controlled switchgear for level-dependent control of a submersible pump with analogue or digital signal transmitters. Individual parameters are entered via symbol-based menu navigation and an operating button.
Artikula Nr.: 2545133

Network-independent alarm switchgear (self-charging power supply unit) for wall fixation with optical and acoustic alarm signal. 
Artikula Nr.: 2519924

Level sensor with ATEX approval for level control in sewage water containing faeces. A level sensor is used here to measure the hydrostatic pressure in the medium and to convert it directly in the pressure transducer into an electrical signal by means of a diaphragm. The signal is transmitted to the switchgear and evaluated accordingly.
Artikula Nr.: 2519921

Level sensor with ATEX approval for level control in sewage water containing faeces. A level sensor is used here to measure the hydrostatic pressure in the medium and to convert it directly in the pressure transducer into an electrical signal by means of a diaphragm. The signal is transmitted to the switchgear and evaluated accordingly.
Artikula Nr.: 503211390

As a signal transmitter for the system switching, depending on the level of an open container or a cistern.
Switching points: up ON / down OFF
Artikula Nr.: 503211893

As a signal transmitter for the system switching, depending on the level of an open container or a cistern.
Switching points: up ON / down OFF
Artikula Nr.: 2004593

Float switches for level control devices as min./max switches for fluids that are aggressive or contain faeces, floats with the fluid and switches when tilted. Because of its construction and switching point, the float switch can exhibit only a very small hysteresis. This property cannot be changed, not even the length of the cable. In order to use the float switch, a switchgear with adjustable run-on time must be used. Switching: up "ON"/down "OFF"
Float switch WA KR1 S
Artikula Nr.: 6082807

As a signal transmitter for the system switching, depending on the level of an open container or a cistern.
Switching points: up ON / down OFF