Esošais Sūknis - Daudzpakāpju

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Produkta informācija
Helix2.0-VE 1005-1/25/E/KS/3

Wilo-Helix2.0-VE ir jaunākā vertikālo daudzpakāpju sūkņu paaudze aukstā ūdens pielietojumiem lielās ēkās. Iebūvētais frekvences pārveidotājs apvienojumā ar regulēšanas funkcijām un IE5 EC motora piedziņu ļauj optimāli pielāgoties dažādiem spiediena apstākļiem un caurplūdes plūsmām. Rezultāts ir augsta enerģijas efektivitāte gan slēgtās, gan vaļējās iekārtās. Turklāt pārbaudītā Helix nerūsējošā tērauda hidraulika nodrošina augstu uzticamību. Krāsainais displejs ar pārskatāmām izvēlnēm un uzticamā „zaļās pogas tehnoloģija” nodrošina vienkāršu ekspluatācijas uzsākšanu un sūkņa darbināšanu. Sūkni var vienkārši iesaistīt ēkas automatizācijas sistēmā ar analogajām un digitālajām saskarnēm, kā arī CIF moduļiem.
- IE5 EC motora tehnoloģija un tipiskas regulēšanas funkcijas augstai enerģijas efektivitātei
- Vienkārša darbināšana, pateicoties pārskatāmām izvēlnēm krāsainā displejā un zaļās pogas tehnoloģijai
- Pārbaudītā nerūsējošā tērauda hidraulika nodrošina augstu uzticamību
- Iespējama iesaistīšana ēkas automatizācijā ar analogajām un digitālajām saskarnēm un CIF moduļiem

Bypass kit for continuous ventilation of Helix pumps in series 2/ 4 / 6 / 10 / 16.
- Comes with pressure gauge.
- Suitable to use for all types of self and normal suction systems, e.g. irrigation, cooling towers etc.

Foot plate is for mounting on foundation or floor. It fits all pumps in the Helix series with a maximum engine power of 5.5 kW.
- Pump housing (pump) is screwed into the foot plate with four bolts (dimension M8 or M10, depending on the pump size - see pump catalogue leaf), recommended length of bolt 40-70 mm.
- The foot plate is equipped with vibration dampers, one in each corner.
- Made of stainless steel.
- Dimensions: 405 x 90 x 405 mm (W x H x D).

The safety valve protects the system against overpressure when using water supply and pressure relief systems.
- Activation pressure 10% above the factory preset pressure.
- Allowed media - water without abrasive particles.
- Media temperature max 130 ° C.
- House made of plaster / brass.
- Seal made by Perbunan / EPDM.

The safety valve protects the system against overpressure when using water supply and pressure relief systems.
- Activation pressure 10% above the factory preset pressure.
- Allowed media - water without abrasive particles.
- Media temperature max 130 ° C.
- House made of plaster / brass.
- Seal made by Perbunan / EPDM.

The IR-Stick in combination with the supplied Wilo software (CD-ROM), makes it possible to read out and save data records for pumps as well as send previously defined pump settings.
- IR carrier frequency: 33 kHz / 455 kHz
- Software upgrade: via USB
- Inaccessibly installed pumps
- Quick configuration of pumps
- Extensive operating information
- Detailed fault diagnosis
- Statistical functions
- Special settings/control modes for special requirements
- Protection against unauthorised access
- Archiving of pump data sets

Connection to the joint tubing Rp ¼' threaded bushing.
The pressure switch locks at 1.0 bar and enables at 1.3 bar (factory works setting in accordance with DIN 1988).
The factory settings cannot be modified.

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
- Control commands to the pump
- Messages from the pump
- Process values

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
- Control commands to the pump
- Messages from the pump
- Process values

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
- Control commands to the pump
- Messages from the pump
- Process values

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
- Control commands to the pump
- Messages from the pump
- Process values

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
- Control commands to the pump
- Messages from the pump
- Process values

General functions
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
- Control commands to the pump
- Messages from the pump
- Process values

General functions:
Serial, digital interface for connection to building automation (BA) for the transfer of data points as:
- Control commands to the pump
- Messages from the pump
- Process values

The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.