Esošais Sūknis - Cirkulācija
Nomaiņas sūknis - High Efficiency Premium Apmaiņats komplekts
Produkta informācija
Varios PICO-STG 25/1-7 -130
Your advantages
- The most compatible replacement solution for all applications, including solar and geothermal, thanks to compact design, innovative control modes (such as iPWM) and the Sync assistant
- Maximum operating convenience thanks to its LED display and Green Button Technology featuring a button for control mode and a button for setting the pump
- Easy installation owing to a compact design, adjustable Electrical connections and maintenance functions such as venting
- Maximum operational reliability based on proven technology
The Wilo-Varios PICO-STG is the universal replacement solution in the heating, air conditioning and cooling sector for residential dwellings, as well as for solar and geothermal installations. It offers either standard mode or external control mode, and the settings of the pump it replaces can be easily imported using the Sync assistant. Its compact construction and the adoption of characteristic curves from the old pump with the new synchronisation function make installation and commissioning particularly easy. And with the Green Button Technology the operability is highly convenient.
Glandless circulator with screwed connection, blocking-current proof EC motor and integrated electronic power control.
All hot-water heating systems, air-conditioning applications, industrial circulation systems, primary circuits of solar and geothermal systems.
Operating modes:
- Constant differential pressure (3 pre-defined characteristic curves)
- Variable differential pressure (3 pre-defined characteristic curves)
- Constant speed (3 speed stages)
- External control by iPWM signal
- iPWM GT (heating/geothermal energy, not for Varios PICO-STG .../1-13)
- iPWM ST (Solar)
- Setting the operating mode in accordance with the application
- Setting of pump output (curve)
- Setting the constant speed
- Activation of sync function and LED coding
- Pump venting function
- Manual restart
- Automatic restart
- Display of selected control mode
- Display of selected stage of control mode or iPWM type
- Display of activated sync function and LED coding
- Status display of the manual restart or pump venting function
- Operation and fault display
- Cataphoretically-coated pump housing
- Wrench attachment point on pump body
- Electrical connection cable with 3-pole pump plug and Wilo-Connector
- iPWM connection
- Pump venting function
- Manual restart
- Blocking-current proof motor
- Particle filter
- Pump
- Cable with 3-pole pump plug and Wilo-Connector connection
- Wilo-Connector
- Gaskets
- Installation and operating instructions
- Fluid temperature:
- -20 °C to +95 °C (Heating/Geothermal)
- -10 °C to +110 °C (Solar)
- Mains connection 1~230 V, 50 Hz
- Protection class: IPX4D
- Screwed connection Rp ½, Rp 1 and Rp 1¼
- Max. operating pressure 10 bar
- Pump housing: Grey cast iron (EN-GJL-200)
- Impeller: Plastic (PP - 40% GF)
- Pump shaft: Stainless steel
- Bearing: carbon, metal impregnated
- Thermal insulation of pump housing in heating applications.
- Reduces heat loss by up to 85%.
- Energy saving, reduces operating costs.
- Protects the pump from external damage.
- 100% recyclable.
- Cable 0,12 m
- Fits Varios PICO pumps
Nomaiņas sūknis - High Efficiency Premium Apmaiņats komplekts
Produkta informācija
Stratos PICO 25/0,5-4 -130
Slapjā rotora cirkulācijas sūknis ar skrūvsavienojumu, bloķējošās strāvas pārbaudes EC motors un integrēta elektroniskā jaudas regulēšana.
Visu veidu karstā ūdens apkures sistēmas, kondicionēšanas iekārtas un rūpnieciskās cirkulācijas iekārtas.
Aprīkojums /darbība
Darbības režīmi:
- Dynamic Adapt plus
- Δ p-c konstantai spiedienu starpībai
- Δ p-v mainīgai spiedienu starpībai
- Konstants apgriezienu skaits (n-const.)
- Saderīgs ar Wilo-Smart Balance App
- Ekspluatācijas veida iestatīšana
- Sūkņa jaudas (sūknēšanas augstuma) iestatīšana
- Automātiskā pazeminātas darbības režīma iestatīšana
- Automātiskas darbības iestatīšana vārstiem, kas nav atkarīgi no spiediena
- Sūkņa atgaisošana
- Manuāla restartēšana
- Reset funkcija strāvas skaitītāja atiestatīšanai
- Reset funkcija atiestatīšanai uz rūpnīcas iestatījumiem
- Taustiņu bloķēšana iestatījumu bloķēšanai
- Jaudas bezpakāpju pielāgošana atkarībā no ekspluatācijas veida
- Automātiskais pazeminātās darbības režīms
- Automātiskā ventilācijas funkcija
- Automātiska aizsardzība pret darbošanos bez šķidruma
- Automātiska restartēšana
Rādījuma maiņa:
- Aktuālā sūknēšanas plūsma
- Aktuālais sūknēšanas augstums
- Aktuālais apgriezienu skaits
- Elektrības patēriņš
- Jauda
- Displeja statuss brīdinājuma ziņojumiem (dzeltens displejs) un kļūdu ziņojumiem (sarkans displejs), katrs ar kļūdas kodu un aprakstu vienkāršā tekstā
- Sūkņa atgaisošana
- Manuāla restartēšana
- LED zaļš: Nevainojama darbība
- LED zils: Sūkņa komunikācija ar ārēju moduli
- Atslēgas vieta pie sūkņa korpusa
- Ātrā pieslēgšana elektrotīklam, izmantojot Wilo-Connector
- Automātiskā ventilācija
- Motors ar bloķējošās strāvas pārbaudi
- Daļiņu filtrs
- Sērijveida siltumizolācija lietojot apkures nozarē
- Wilo-Connectivity saskarne ārējiem moduļiem
- Sūknēšanas šķidruma temperatūra: -+10 °C līdz +110 °C
- Elektrotīkla pieslēgums 1~230 V, 50 Hz
- Aizsardzības pakāpe IPX4D
- Skrūvsavienojums G1, G1½, G2
- Maks. darba spiediens 10 bar
- Sūkņa korpuss: Pelēkais ķeta ar KTL pārklājumu (nerūsējošais tērauds: tips …-N)
- Siltumizolācija: Polipropilēns
- Vārpsta: Nerūsējošs tērauds
- Gultņi: Ogles, ar metālu impregnēta
- Darba rats: Plastmasa
- Sūknis
- Siltumizolācija
- Wilo-Connector
- Blīvējumi
- Uzstādīšanas un ekspluatācijas instrukcija
- Fits PICO pumps and Star-Z NOVA.
- Fits PICO pumps and Star-Z NOVA.
- Comes with cable.
- WS8 connector.
- Cable length 2 meters.
- Run signal display
- Analogue input 0 -10 V for setpoint specification
- Run signal display via relay output as changeover contact
- SSM collective fault signal as potential-free NC contact
- SBM collective run signal as potential-free NO contact
- Control input with configurable functions:
- Override OFF (External OFF), MIN (External MIN), MAX (External MAX)
- 2 PG screwed connections, rotatable with vertical or horizontal orientation
Nomaiņas sūknis - High Efficiency Standarta Apmaiņats komplekts
Produkta informācija
Yonos PICO 25/1-4 -130 1.0
Slapjā rotora cirkulācijas sūknis ar skrūvsavienojumu, bloķējošās strāvas pārbaudes EC motors un integrēta elektroniskā jaudas regulēšana.
Visu veidu karstā ūdens apkures sistēmas, kondicionēšanas iekārtas un rūpnieciskās cirkulācijas iekārtas.
Aprīkojums /darbība
Vadības principi
- Δ p-c konstantai spiedienu starpībai
- Δ p-v mainīgai spiedienu starpībai
- Vadības principa iestatīšana
- Sūkņa jaudas (sūknēšanas augstuma) iestatīšana
- Atgaisošanas funkcija
- Bezpakāpju jaudas pielāgošana atbilstoši vadības principam
- Automātiskā atbloķēšanas funkcija
- Elektrības patēriņa indikācija [W]
- Pašreizējā sūknēšanas augstuma rādījums, veicot iestatīšanu
- Traucējumu ziņojumu rādījums (kļūdu kodi)
- Aktivizētas atgaisošanas funkcijas rādījums
- Atslēgas vieta pie sūkņa korpusa
- Ātrā pieslēgšana elektrotīklam, izmantojot Wilo-Connector
- Motors ar bloķējošās strāvas pārbaudi
- Daļiņu filtrs
- Sūknējamā šķidruma temperatūra: -10 °C līdz +95 °C
- Elektrotīkla pieslēgums 1~230 V, 50 Hz
- Aizsardzības pakāpe IP X4 D
- Skrūvsavienojuma pieslēgums: Rp ½, Rp 1 un Rp 1¼
- Maks. darba spiediens 10 bar
- Sūkņa korpuss: Pelēkais ķets (EN-GJL-200)
- Darba rats: Plastmasa (PP - 40% GF)
- Sūkņa vārpsta: Nerūsējošs tērauds
- Gultņi: Ogles, ar metālu impregnēta
- Sūknis
- Wilo-Connector
- Blīvējumi
- Uzstādīšanas un ekspluatācijas instrukcija
- Thermal insulation of pump housing in heating applications.
- Reduces heat loss by up to 85%.
- Energy saving, reduces operating costs.
- Protects the pump from external damage.
- 100% recyclable.
- Fits PICO pumps and Star-Z NOVA.
- Fits PICO pumps and Star-Z NOVA.
- Comes with cable.
- WS8 connector.
- Cable length 2 meters.
Cirkulācija Cirkulācija Apmaiņats komplekts
Produkta informācija
Stratos PICO 25/1-4 -130
Your advantages
- Maximum energy efficiency thanks to the combination of EC motor technology, Dynamic Adapt and precise setting options options for precise adjustment
- High reliability due to self-protecting routines such as the automatic dry-running detection and automatic restart
- Intuitive adjustment and maintenance via Green Button Technology for the activation of functions and operating modes on the LC display
- Easy monitoring of the current power consumption, flow and cumulative kWh
- Straight-forward electrical connection without any tools thanks to the Wilo-Connector
The perfect interplay of an EC motor, the proven Dynamic Adapt function and settings accuracy of 0.1 m means that the Wilo-Stratos PICO delivers maximum energy efficiency.
Intuitive operation and maintenance, supported by symbols on the LCD screen, as well as automatic protection features offer a high degree of operating comfort.
Glandless circulator with screwed connection, blocking-current proof EC motor and integrated electronic power control.
All hot-water heating systems, air-conditioning applications, industrial circulation systems.
Operating modes:
- Δ p-c for constant differential pressure
- Δ p-v for variable differential pressure, combinable with the Dynamic Adapt control function
- Setting the operating mode
- Setting of pump output (delivery head)
- Setting automatic setback operation
- Reset function for resetting the electricity meter
- Reset function for resetting to factory settings
- "Hold" function (key lock) for disabling the settings
- Infinitely variable power adjustment according to the operating mode
- Automatic setback operation
- Automatic venting function
- Automatic dry-running detection
- Automatic restart
- Display of the current power consumption in W
- Display of the current flow in m³/h
- Display of the cumulative kilowatt hours in kWh
- Display of fault messages (error codes)
- Wrench attachment point on pump body
- Quick electrical connection with Wilo-Connector
- Automatic venting
- Blocking-current proof motor
- Particle filter
- Thermal insulation as standard for heating applications
- Pump
- Thermal insulation
- Wilo-Connector
- Gaskets
- Installation and operating instructions
- Fluid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C
- Mains connection 1~230 V, 50 Hz
- Protection class IPX4D
- Screwed connection Rp ½, Rp 1 and Rp 1¼
- Max. operating pressure 10 bar
- Pump housing: Cast iron (Stainless steel: Type …-N)
- Thermal insulation: polypropylene
- Shaft: Stainless steel
- Bearing: carbon, metal impregnated
- Impeller: Plastic
- High-efficiency pump especially for single and two-family houses, as well as for two to six-family houses.
- Up to 90% electricity savings compared to older uncontrolled heating pumps
- Minimum power consumption just 3 watts
- Pre-selectable control modes for optimum load adaption Δp-c (constant differential pressure), Δp-v (variable differential pressure) can be combined with the Dynamic Adapt control function
- Automatic setback operation
- Integrated motor protection
- LCD display displaying the current consumption in watts and the cumulative kilowatt hours
- Reset function for resetting the electricity meter or for resetting the settings to the factory settings
- "Hold" function (key lock) for disabling the settings
- Venting routine for automatic venting of the rotor chamber
- Quick electrical connection with Wilo-Connector
- Flexible installation thanks to compact construction
- Very high starting torque for reliable starting
- Fits PICO pumps and Star-Z NOVA.
- Fits PICO pumps and Star-Z NOVA.
- Comes with cable.
- WS8 connector.
- Cable length 2 meters.