1 aizvietošanas variants atrasts

Esošais Sūknis - Cirkulācija

Ražotājs Vecais Wilo
Produkta nosaukums DL 65/250-4/4
Artikula Nr. 2120961
Kopējais garums 475 mm
Elektropieslēgums 3x400 V
Caurules pieslēgums DN 65 PN16
Nominālā jauda P2 4 kW

Nomaiņas sūknis - Parastais Apmaiņats komplekts

Produkta nosaukums Atmos GIGA-D 65/240-4/4
Artikula Nr. 2225398
MEI ≥ 0,4
IE 3
Kopējais garums 475 mm
Elektropieslēgums 3x400 V
Caurules pieslēgums DN 65 PN16
Nominālā strāva 8,2 A
Nominālā jauda P2 4 kW
Šķidruma temperatūras diapazons -20 - +140 °C


Saderīgs, neveicot izmaiņas cauruļvadu sistēmā.
If you are pumping chilled water media or special material requirements, please contact Wilo Technical Inside Sales. Replacement pumps designed for glycolin-infused water (max. 50%) have the -S1 extension and a different part number than standard seal pumps. Always consult Wilo when pumping media other than water. 

Produkta informācija
Atmos GIGA-D 65/240-4/4

Atmos GIGA-D 65/240-4/4
Artikula Nr. : 2225398

Universāls sausā rotora sūknis apkurei, gaisa kondicionēšanai un dzesēšanai lielās ēkās.
Wilo-Atmos GIGA-D piedāvājumā dažādi komponenti un materiāli visdažādākajiem pielietojumiem. Tas var sūknēt dažādus materiālus ar temperatūru no -20 līdz +140 °C, tāpēc ir īpaši piemērots gaisa kondicionēšanai un dzesēšanai. Jebkuru kondensātu, kas veidojas, var novadīt caur izplūdes atveri. Aprīkots ar modernāko sūkņa hidrauliku un IE3 motoriem, sūknis darbojas tikpat uzticami, kā ietaupa enerģiju. Ilgu darbmūžu nodrošina arī lietās detaļas, kas ir aprīkotas ar korozijizturīgu kataforēzes pārklājumu.

Specifika/produkta priekšrocības
  • Mūsdienīga sūkņa hidraulika un IE3 motora tehnoloģija uzticamai un enerģiju taupošai darbībai
  • Ilgs darbmūžs, pateicoties korozijizturīgam kataforēzes pārklājumam uz visām lietajām sastāvdaļām
  • Mērķtiecīga kondensāta novadīšana, izmantojot gaisa kondicionēšanas un dzesēšanas iekārtas
  • Vienkārša montāža ar iespēju nostiprināt sūkņa pēdas maksimālai stabilitātei
  • Var lietot pamata/rezerves darbībā vai maksimumslodzes darbībā (izmantojot ārējo papildierīci)
Flange gasket DN 65 PN6/10
Artikula Nr.: 2151002
Flange gasket DN 65 PN6 / 10, Klingersil:
  • Thickness: 2 mm.
  • Inner diameter: 77 mm.
  • Outer diameter: 115 mm.
Difference pressure sensor 10 m
Artikula Nr.: 2136454

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 20 m
Artikula Nr.: 2136456

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 40 m
Artikula Nr.: 2136458

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 60 m
Artikula Nr.: 503184696

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Difference pressure sensor 100 m
Artikula Nr.: 503184799

The differential pressure sensor kit enables dp-c and dp-v control of the frequency-controlled high-pressure centrifugal pumps.
The sensor measures the differential pressure between the suction ports and discharge ports to the pipes, and converts this into an electrical signal 4-20 mA, which is used by the frequency converter to regulate the pressure of the pump. The value of the output current is proportional to the differential pressure.
Frekvences pārveidotājs EFC 4,0 kW 3~
Artikula Nr.: 2551152